Monday, September 14, 2009

Another Crisis Not Wasted

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, in (rightly) dismissing the notion that Congressman Joe Wilson's outburst was racially motivated, said the following on CNN's "State of the Union":

"I don't think the president believes that people are upset because of the color of his skin, I think people are upset because on Monday we celebrate the anniversary of the Lehman Brothers collapse that caused a financial catastrophe unlike anything we've ever seen."
This post isn't about Joe Wilson. I want to focus on Gibbs' words: "...on Monday we celebrate the anniversary of the Lehman Brothers collapse..."

Celebrate? Maybe he meant "mark" not "celebrate... It's hard to say given the degree of opportunity provided by the economic collapse for government intervention and control. If an event made my job all the easier, I might celebrate it too!

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